Farleton Horticultural


Our Cottage Garden Nursery specialises in home grown and unusual perennials that will keep the keenest gardener returning again and again to see what’s available. Highly experienced in horticulture, Simon is usually available to discuss your requirements, to give helpful advice or to answer your gardening questions from plant location and requirements to pruning and transplanting. Just ask and get the answer you need. We also grow our own bedding plants for borders, planters or hanging baskets, which are usually available from April to June. Plants can be collected during normal opening times or at other times by arrangement.


Opening Times

Open from 9:00am to 4:00pm, March to October, Thursday to Sunday. Last entry to the site is 3:30pm.


Opening Times

Open from 9:00am to 4:00pm, March to October, Thursday to Sunday. Last entry to the site is 3:30pm.